My Story

Hey there! Welcome to The Wellness Daybook.

I am just a girl aspiring to live a happy, kind, adventurous, honest and passionate life and I created this blog because I want to share my journey with YOU.

I am a wife to my best friend, a health and wellness coach, food lover, yogi, adventurer, avid reader and epic dreamer.

I graduated with a degree in English/Psychology and started working as the Operations Director at Esteem Academy of Beauty, a beauty school that incorporates health and wellness into their curriculum. That is when I began to put more focus on my journey to becoming the healthiest happiest version of myself. I started doing yoga regularly and couldn't get enough so I enrolled in a yoga teacher training and have been a dedicated yogi ever since. I have recently began coaching others in the area of health and wellness and will soon be enrolling in a health coach certification program so I can help even more people and continue learning about the secrets to living a life full  of happiness.

I hope you LOVE my blog and find a little bit of inspiration while you are here.    
